2025 H.P.S. Piano Festival
In-Person and Recorded Auditions Available

Registration Closes March 21

Festival Date: Saturday, April 5

All ages and levels welcome

$25 per Student

Registration Form

We are no longer accepting registrations for this festival.

More Details

What is the H.P.S. Piano Festival?
The Hamilton Piano Studio Festival is a well-dressed event where students of all ages and levels present music to an adjudicator for a formal evaluation. This is a no audience event however, parents are welcome to observe. 

What should my student expect?
Students are expected to bring the original music AND a copy of the music for the adjudicator. Students are expected to be well dressed, well prepared, introduce self, composer and piece, and perform one piece to be evaluated by our staff (standards listed below).

What is the registration fee?
$25 per student. The student will receive a detailed adjudication of the performance. 

May a student perform with multiple pieces?
Yes! Each piece would require a separate registration, fee, and audition time.

Are there any limitations for the pieces being performed?
The performance time is limited to 8 minutes per audition. There is no minimum length requirement. We ask that students limit their audition to 1 piece.

Does the music need to be memorized?
No. Memorization is recommended but not required. Points are awarded for pieces performed from memory.

What will the adjudicators be evaluating?

  • Tone (beauty/control, etc.)
  • Technique (finger dexterity, body posture, hand posture, fingering, note accuracy, precision, use of pedals, etc.)
  • Interpretation (contrast, mood, phrasing, rhythm, style, tempo, etc.)
  • Musical Effect (artistry, fluency, articulation, etc.)
  • Other Factors (choice of music, stage presence, appearance, etc.)
  • Rating: Superior Plus, Superior, Excellent, Good/Average, Fair, Needs improvement

What should my student wear?
The universal norm for performance attire is “well-dressed.” Nice pants and dress shirt; a skirt or dress (at least knee-length), and dress shoes. Jeans and tee shirts are not acceptable due to their informal appearance.

Is this an in-person or recorded audition?
Either! To better serve our families we offer both options. During the registration process you may choose what type of audition you prefer.

I am doing a recorded audition. How do I submit a recording?
After registration is complete, a link and instructions will be provided for recorded auditions.

I am doing an in-person audition. When and where will it take place?
After registration is complete, an email will be sent for you to select an appointment time on the Festival day. Auditions will take place in Visalia. Location: TBA

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